This weekend (2/22 & 2/23), we are collecting non-perishable items to donate to our local food cupboard. Please considering helping out with this worthwhile cause. Your generosity if greatly appreciated.
On Saturday, March 1st, Seton Catholic School will be having a fundraiser. Enjoy a night of food, fun and community while trying your luck to win a variety of meat products. The doors open at 5:30pm. Tickets are $20 per person with all proceeds going to the school. Bring lots of small bills to purchase raffle tickets. We look forward to seeing you there.
On Thursday, February 13th (11:30am-1:00pm) at Our Lady Queen of Peace, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day with a Senior Luncheon. The menu will consist of Chicken French, Fettuccini, Carrots, Salad, Bread, Butter & Dessert. This is a great gathering for parishioners 50+. Meet up with some friends or make some new ones. A $6.00 fee will be payable at the door.
This Sunday, February 9th, there will be a Family Mass at both Our Lady Queen of Peace 9:00am and St. Thomas More 11:00am. Please come celebrate Mass with our families and enjoy a children's homily from Fr. Hart.
This Sunday, the Pastoral Council is hosting a Drop in for Donuts event. Come join us after the 9:00am Mass at OLQP or the 11:00am Mass at STM to socialize and enjoy a great treat! If you can lend a hand setting up or cleaning up afterward, please contact Margot Lutz at [email protected].
On Saturday, February 1st from 8:00am - 11:00am at Our Lady Queen of Peace's kitchen, the Soup Committee is getting together to make soup for some local food kitchens. If you would be interested in helping or donating baked goods/money to purchase meat and veggies, please contact the parish office. Thank you.
There’s a lot to celebrate at Rochester Catholic Schools! Join us during National Catholic Schools Week from Jan. 26-Feb. 2, 2025, as we rejoice together. We invite families to attend Mass at our RCS parishes, followed by a week of school and system events, including the RCS Day of Giving, a President’s Reception honoring six members of our community, and prize giveaways! For a list of dates and times, CLICK HERE. We look forward to celebrating our schools, faith, mission, and YOU - our community!
Our goals for this year's Catholic Ministries Appeal for Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Thomas More are $68,000 and $73,000 respectively. As of 1/20/25, OLQP and STM have met their goals.
Thank you to those who donated. Your help supporting the important programs the CMA provides for is appreciated.
Looking to understand the Bible better. Come join us on Sundays after the 9:00am Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace (10:15am - 11:15am). This year we are studying the Prophets. We'll meet in the OLQP Library. A Zoom option will be available for those who can't attend in person. For more information contact: Craig Mullens - [email protected] or 585-747-2731.
This Sunday, January 12th, there will be a Family Mass at both Our Lady Queen of Peace 9:00am and St. Thomas More 11:00am. Please come celebrate Mass with our families and enjoy a children's homily from Fr. Hart.
There will be a blood drive January 8th at St. Thomas More from 9:00am-2:00pm. Everyone who donates will be entered into a drawing to win Super Bowl LIX tickets! The prize includes travel, hotel, $1,000 gift card, pre-game activities & more.
Again, this year, we are providing a luncheon for the St. Michael's Food Panty to benefit our neighbors in need. This event can't be done alone and does truly take a village. We are looking for volunteers to prepare the food at OLQP, serve & clean up at St. Michael's Food Cupboard or bake goodies for the dessert table. For more information on dates & to sign up, please click here or call Gail at 585.309.6950. Thank you for your help.
Come to Panera Bread (1901 Monroe Avenue) on December 11th between 4-8pm and show them the fundraiser flyer for to help raise money for Seton. Click here for a copy of the flyer.
On Friday, December 6th at 7:00pm, Our Lady of Lourdes, Tom Tosti and OLoL Musicians will present a jazz-influenced musical service for the season. All are welcome.
Starting this weekend, we will have “mittens” hanging from our Christmas tree in the Narthex
with gift requests from several local agencies.
Please feel free to take a mitten and help fulfill someone’s Christmas wish.
Your generosity and support of this annual collection is greatly appreciated.
Come join us on Thursday, December 12th at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 11:30am for a Christmas feast. This event is open to individuals 55 years of age and up. Gather with other parishioners, bring a friend or meet new ones. The menu includes: Pork Loin, Scalloped Potatoes, Italian-style Green Beans, Salad, Bread & Christmas cookies. The price is $6.00 per person and can be paid for at the door.
This year's Thanksgiving Food Drive was a great success! Thank you to all who participated with by dropping off groceries, sorting or by delivering them to St. Andrew's Food Cupboard. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!!
The 2024-25 Catholic Ministries Appeal - Extending Christ's Mission has started for both Our Lady Queen of Peace & St. Thomas More. Our Lady Queen of Peace's goal is $68,000 with $28,425 pledged by 71 Donors. St. Thomas More's goal is $73,000 with $29,885 pledged by 65 donors. Thank you for your generosity to this worthwhile cause.
Every year near All Souls’ Day, Our Lady Queen of Peace & St. Thomas More cluster hosts a special Mass of Remembrance honoring all those who have passed away in the previous year. This year, it will be Wednesday, November 6, at 7pm, at Our Lady Queen of Peace. If you have lost a loved one, we hope you will join us for this very special Mass of Remembrance. We encourage you to invite anyone you know who has experienced a loss. This shared expression of grief in a context of faith, and hope for eternal life, can be a healing and an encouraging experience.