On Sunday, Dec. 5 at the 9am Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace, we celebrate the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of the Catechumens and the Rite of Welcoming of Candidates for full communion with the Catholic Church. These rites mark a milestone in the journey of our unbaptized Inquirers (or Seekers) who have been discerning whether to officially begin their journey to become members of the Catholic Church. It is their first public gathering. Jessie Eng and Zachary Seely will officially be accepted into the ancient Order of Catechumens and will then bear the name of “Catechumen.” They will continue their journey to learn more about the Catholic Faith. As Catechumens, they will continue to discern whether the Holy Spirit is calling them to Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil on April 16. We will also be welcoming Christopher Blank as a candidate for full communion with the Catholic Church. Christopher is already one with us in baptism and he will be recognized for his journey and discernment as he seeks full communion with the Catholic Church by celebrating the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation when he joins Jessie and Zachary at the Easter Vigil on April 16. Please continue to support Jessie, Zachary, and Christopher with your prayers and with your example of discipleship.