Every Tuesday morning, from 9 am - 11 am, a group of dedicated women gather at Our Lady Queen of Peace in the Hospitality Room to serve their community with their needles. These women are active in their community in many different ways, but enjoy spending a few hours together each week to sit down and chat while their fingers make quick work of the graciously donated yarn that they receive. Everyone seems to have a niche: some knit, some crochet, some love the color purple, and others hate to work with fuzzy yarn. Some of the women are parishioners at OLQP, others at STM, and still others outside of our own cluster. These women support each other in the same tender manner that they support the most vulreable among us. They have seen each other through life's joys and it's sorrows, all the while, yarn in hand.
This year, through their generous donation of time and talent, they have made over 395 sets of items between June and November of 2019! Some of these sets include a child's sized hat, a scarf and mittens for children attending RCSD School # 34 and Mary's Place. Many sets of warm winter accessories have gone out to the House of Mercy, among others, to help keep the homeless men and women in our community safe and warm. The women of the knitting group also make baby blankets and hats for the annual Respect Life Baby Shower in October and lap robes for adults who might be homebound or ill.
If you are interested in joining, please either contact Beth Watkins at [email protected], or just show up!