Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life:
Closer than we can Imagine
Young Adult Gathering for those in their
20's and 30's
Masks and social distancing
guidelines will be followed
Thursday, May 20th
OLQP or Virtually!
The Church celebrates Pentecost on the 4th weekend in May this year. In anticipation of the church’s birth at Pentecost and the sending of the Holy Spirit, you are invited to gather together to share a meal and reflect on the “breath of life.” We’ll take some time to slow down and become aware of our breath, the life of the Holy Spirit within us, the ground of our being.
We will reflect on such questions as:
How do I know the movements of the Spirit in my life?
How is the Spirit calling me to greater growth?
What obstacles keep me from following the stirrings of the Spirit in my heart?
Where do you see the Holy Spirit "caged?"
What gifts of the Holy Spirit might be helpful to embrace more in my life?
There are two options for coming together. If you can come in person, please join us at 6:30 for dinner and community, followed by prayer, reflection and conversation until 8:15. If you want to join us over zoom, please join us from 7:15-8:15 on your device. Meghan Robinson will send the zoom link to you after you have RSVPed to her at [email protected].