Youth Ministry Service – Souper Bowl of Caring Collection Thank you to those who helped with the Feb 1 & 2 Souper Bowl of Caring collection. We had about 15 grocery bags of soup and soap donations that families delivered to St Andrews Food Pantry. That was about 150 items. Thanks for your generosity!
Youth will be involved in Lent with the operation Rice Bowl and will host their Bake Sale for Catholic Relief Service on the weekend of Mar 14 & 15 at all Masses.
Another upcoming opportunity will be on Mar 15 -
International (Refugee) Dinner - 12 Corners Presbyterian Church - cosponsored with our Outreach Ministry. Volunteers needed to set up from 2:00-3:00 PM, help with children's activities 3:00-4:30 PM, clean up 5:30-6:30 PM [dinner included]
Our Faith in Action Team for Senior High Continues! Other Service coming up for grades 10-12
Foodlink Warehouse Food Sorting - Sat Apr 19 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Youth Ministry Service and Learning Catechist, Volunteers, and Parent Planning Meeting – March 8 6:00-8:00 PM Our Lady Queen of Peace – all welcome. Dinner Provided.
Confirmation Update Our Parish youth who will be confirmed this year have a day of preparation on March 14th. We have almost 40 youth. Please keep them in prayer as they learn about the Holy Spirit, Saints and other mentors in the faith and about their lifelong vocations in the Christian way of life. Confirmation is on April 2 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. We welcome your prayers and if any parishioners wish to support the youth by serving as ushers, or in the choir, please let Colleen Trevisani know.