We had a great first Faith & Family Fun Night at OLQP this last Saturday. Please check out some of the pictures and videos from this event in our Parish Social Events page.
We will be having 3 more Faith & Family Fun Nights this summer after Saturday Vigil Masses (listed below). These events are in support of Pope Francis’ World Meeting of Families.
The next event will take place on: July 23rd - OLOL 6:30pm. We will continue to explore the Parables of Jesus, through Games, Arts & Crafts and Skits. Picnic food will be provided free of charge.
Other dates for Faith & Family Fun Night to add to your calendar include August 6th - OLQP 6:00pm and August 20th - OLOL 6:30pm.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES - contact Jennifer Abdalla at [email protected]