The Social Advocacy Group works with the Pastoral Administrator to make parishioners aware of issues related to social justice and advocacy as they relate to Catholic teaching.
The group is in regular contact with the Catholic Family Center Social Justice/Advocacy Department and Diocesan Public Policy Committee. They believe it is important to position us as a partner with the Diocese on important topics that need the support of local parishes.
In the past 3-4 years the committee has kept the parish informed on matters such as regular petition drives to support reform of the Rockefeller drug laws, legal rights for undocumented agricultural workers, childcare support for the working poor, and Medicaid Reform. They have also led us in endeavors such as participation in the building of a Habitat House along with other Brighton Churches and involvement in Refugee resettlement.
Coordinator: Gail Kindlon, 271-1671, [email protected]
For more information, please contact your parish office.
Throughout the year, Our Lady Queen of Peace & St. Thomas More invites parishioners to participate in various service projects that serve our parish community as well as our neighborhood community and our world-wide community. Some of our regular projects are:
Thanksgiving Bag Service Project: Takes place a couple weeks before Thanksgiving each year. Parishioners are encouraged to stock paper bags with food items that would make a good thanksgiving meal, youth and families deliver the bags to St. Andrew's food cupboard where they help to organize the shelves in the pantry & put packets together that will then be passed out on Thanksgiving to families in need!
Christmas Giving Tree: This is always stocked with names of children and families in need during that holiday season. The tree is usually stripped of its name tags pretty quickly over one weekend in early December, and the next weekend brings a plethora of brightly wrapped gifts left under the tree where they are then taken for further distribution.
At various times, different needs present themselves to our community & we are always happy to serve when we can! If you are interested in participating in any of these service projects, we would love to have your help! Detailed information on upcoming service projects will be provided as the project nears. As well, if you have any ideas for service projects, or hear of special needs in our community that could use a helping hand and heart, please let us know!
The OLQP/STM cooks gather on Saturday morning at OLQP, once a month from November through March and make 25 gallons of homemade soup which is then delivered to St. Martin's Kitchen.
To go along with the soup, homemade breads, cookies, rolls and brownies are made by various parishioners at home and are then brought into Church for delivery with the soup.
Help is always welcome!
The last weekend of every month, we collect non-perishable foods for St. Andrew's Center (An Inner City Food Pantry). Everyone is welcome to join in this ministry! Please drop off food in designated box located in the Narthex. Please see the bulletin for occasional changes to the collection dates.
The last weekend of every month, we also collect toiletries (shampoo, combs, toothbrushes, soap, etc.) for The Women's Place (an emergency shelter for homeless women & children). These items can be dropped off in designated box located in the Narthex. Again, please see the bulletin for occasional changes to the collection dates.
The Our Lady Queen of Peace/St. Thomas More Knitting/Crocheting Group meets Tuesday mornings, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. during the Fall & Winter months, at Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Currently, the group is enjoying the summer and the warmer months but will be back knitting in September.
These knitters and crocheters are at varied skill levels, from advanced beginners to experts. They knit for several different organizations; Saint's Place, House of Mercy, Matthew's Closet, etc.
If you would enjoy knitting or crocheting in the company of a group of wonderful people, please come join us. Also, if you would like to join the group to learn how to knit/crochet please call.
For those who are unable to come and would like to knit/crochet from home please call Beth and she will arrange for the pick-up of knitted/crocheted items.